This is where you get to milk me. Aren't you lucky. Mooo.

Saturday, August 06, 2005


Lots of random things did not make my day at all:

1. Pickle's 'infamous' comment in her blog. Sorry to mention it here, Piks, but I have to rant about it. It's not that we don't care about everything else you wrote, but an offensive remark(s) is an offensive remark.

2. Friggin haircut that's three inches too short. I spent an hour crying over it (Hey, it's a sensitive issue alright?). But I've been getting some positive comments (Thanks to all you sweet people who were so kind with your comments, and I guess I don't mind looking 'cheeky') So I'll be fine. I'm getting the hang of styling my hair. Should I colour it?

3. I spent one point five hours looking for Encompass bookstore because I forgot where it is (on Thursday). I found out later when the shop closed. I went on Friday, but my skinny jeans shopping trip with LeeAnn, Joe and Jacqui made me forget I had to buy books. Dammit.

4. Skinny jeans shopping trip. Damn-fuck-strating. I've been looking for a pair for ages and ages because I liked them for ages and ages. Nothing fits me well. The grey pair I wanted below is too big for me (even in the smallest size). It was baggy-ish and all. And I tried on other pairs, they are usually fine in the bum but loose in the calf area. LeeAnn only started looking for them, and she could find many pairs that fit her. I couldn't help feeling jealous. Sigh. I wish I had a proportionate body and not mother-bearing hips and small thighs PLUS being short.

5. Lenny daddy gone to camp. Three days.

6. My embarassing Criminal Law seminar 'presentation'. I don't usually get nervous. But law people do intimidate me. I need to get over that.

7. LeeAnn thinking I don't even know what a 'parade' is. (This is more of a joke. But I hate feeling dumb). I would also like to clarify that I don't pay out Asian people. I mean, why should I? I'm the epitome of Asian. With my accent and all. (To LeeAnn's Joe) Oh, and Ralph Lauren is overrated.

8. I haven't done much work. I need to read more Contract Law stuff!

9. I saw a flatten/squashed bird in the middle of the road. Sniffs.

Sigh. I must be in a bad mood. On the bright side, I had the 'MOST FUCKING DELICIOUS ORGASMIC ' dinner in North Adelaide today with Gladys, Brenda, Abhishek, LeeAnn and Joe.

(WARNING: *Pointing at Abhishek* If you can't handle gross descriptions of food, don't proceed.)

It's called AB. AB actually stands for 'Abortion' (TOO MUCH INFORMATION!). The dish was created by some medical student some time ago.

The reason why it's called 'Abortion' is because it looks bloody, and messy and all that shit. (Don't get me wrong, it's DELICIOUS!)

However, Gladys thinks it's called that because it's addictive and after eating a couple of tonnes of it, you will feel pregnant. Thus, you will feel guilty and want to abort 'the baby'.

AB consists of :

Crunchy but juicy lamb slices/pieces
Golden crunchy fries
Barbeque sauce
Garlic and sour cream sauce
Tomato sauce

All mixed together to resemble a big pile of (forgive me) 'aborted foetus'. And then, DIG IN!!!!!!!!!

DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT let the 'creative name' of this dish put you off ever trying it. It's heavenly. Mmm.

After that, we went to Daily Bell (YUM) for some ice cream. I ordered Strawberry Cheesecake ice-cream on a Kiddies Cone because I was so full with aborted foetus. (Hahaha, Abhishek, how funny was the Baby Cone?!?!?!? Oops I forgot he won't be reading this part!) I took quite a long time to finish it.


Anyways, I'll end the post with some gorgeous photos of Scarlett Johansson. Her outfits are gorgeousssss. This pics are probably dedicated to Kate and myself. (I am not lesbian, I swear.) Photos are courtesy of getty images.

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Burp once more.

Love Clara,
x o x o